It's crucial to administer the chosen homeopathic remedy at the earliest signs of illness. The longer the delay, the more challenging the treatment might become. Consequently, it's recommended to have the subsequent remedies on hand and use them promptly upon noticing initial symptoms. It's important to bear in mind that during the initial days of treatment, the dosage is typically higher, gradually tapering down to complete cessation once the illness subsides. It's not advisable to use homeopathic remedies preventively when feeling well, as this could potentially overstimulate the body and compromise the immune system.
Outlined below is a selection of commonly utilized homeopathic remedies and the symptoms they address. Individuals should select the remedy that aligns most closely with their symptoms. Symptom similarities between different remedies may exist, with variations occurring in specific details, and it is these details that are pivotal for remedy selection and influencing therapeutic efficacy. Occasionally, seemingly contradictory symptoms within a single remedy, such as a runny nose and nasal dryness, indicate its efficacy for both conditions. It is essential to note that not all symptoms listed for a particular remedy need to manifest; a few distinct symptoms are adequate to warrant the use of a specific remedy.
Aconitum napellus 9CH - Initial days of illness
Frequently accompanied by fever
Swift onset, rapid disease progression
Shivering and sneezing
Dry and warm skin
Intense thirst
Restlessness, especially at night Dosage: Initially, take 3 pellets to suck on (or dissolved in water using a plastic spoon) every hour (up to 10 times a day). After crisis control, reduce frequency to 5-6 times daily. As the condition improves, decrease to 3 times daily. Stop when symptoms subside.
Belladonna 9CH - Initial days of illness
High fever
Throbbing headaches
Red face
Sweaty, red, and hot skin
Shiny eyes
Dilated pupils
Dry mucous membranes of the mouth
Little or no thirst Dosage: Same as Aconitum napellus.
Sticta 9CH - Onset of illness
Blocked nose, pain at the base of the nose
Ineffective attempts to blow the nose
Dry cough Dosage: Same as Aconitum napellus.
Nux vomica 9CH - Onset of illness
Frequent sneezing
Feeling of cold during inhalation and dryness in the nose, followed by watery discharge
Sometimes digestive disturbances
During the day, persistent nasal discharge; at night, blocked nose and nasal dryness
Worsening in warm rooms
Irritable and nervous patient Dosage: Same as Aconitum napellus.
Allium cepa 9CH - Advanced symptomatic stage
Watery, abundant, and burning nasal discharge (burning nasal discharge is the main indication!)
Nasal discharge irritates the nostrils and upper lip
Profuse tearing
Worsening in warmth, improvement in fresh air Dosage: Same as Aconitum napellus.
Arsenicum album 9CH - Advanced symptomatic stage
Watery but scant nasal discharge
Burning nasal discharge that irritates the upper lip
Warmth improves the patient's condition, and cold worsens it (this is the difference from the above remedy)
Marked deterioration at night Dosage: Initially, administer 3 pellets to suck on (or dissolved in water using a plastic spoon) 4-5 times a day. As the condition improves, reduce frequency to 3 times daily. Stop when symptoms subside.
Please note that the information provided is for educational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. If you have health concerns or are unsure about your health status and treatment approach, consult with a healthcare professional. We do not assume responsibility for any consequences resulting from self-treatment or self-diagnosis based on this information.